Welcome to PyBigDFT’s documentation!
This package is a collection of Python Modules that are conceived for pre- and post- processing of BigDFT input and output files. Such modules are supposed to enhance the BigDFT experience by high-level approach. Also, calculators and workflows are supposed to be created and inspected with modules of the PyBigDFT package.
The documentation of this package is described in
Module Members
Input file representation and usage from Python
Input Actions on the BigDFT input file
Analysis of Logfiles and Ground-state related properties
Processing of Fragment-related quantities
Processing of Linear Response Calculations and excitations
Calculators to be used with BigDFT package to trigger runs of the code
Organize runs and analyze output in a dataset
Tools for the analysis of Biological systems
Interoperability with other chemistry programs
Index of the Package
- PyBigDFT
- BigDFT package
- Subpackages
- BigDFT.Database package
- BigDFT.Interop package
- Submodules
- BigDFT.Interop.ASEInterop module
- BigDFT.Interop.BabelInterop module
- BigDFT.Interop.DFTBInterop module
- BigDFT.Interop.DNAviewerInterop module
- BigDFT.Interop.DispersionInterop module
- BigDFT.Interop.GenesisInterop module
- BigDFT.Interop.MRChemInterop module
- BigDFT.Interop.NWChemInterop module
- BigDFT.Interop.OpenMMInterop module
- BigDFT.Interop.PSI4Interop module
- BigDFT.Interop.PolarisInterop module
- BigDFT.Interop.RDKitInterop module
- BigDFT.Interop.RemoteManagerInterop module
- BigDFT.Interop.XTBInterop module
- Module contents
- Submodules
- BigDFT.scripts package
- Submodules
- BigDFT.Atoms module
- BigDFT.BZ module
- BigDFT.BioQM module
- BigDFT.CDFT module
- BigDFT.Calculators module
- BigDFT.Datasets module
- BigDFT.DoS module
- BigDFT.Fragments module
- BigDFT.IO module
- BigDFT.InputActions module
- BigDFT.Inputfiles module
- BigDFT.LRTDDFT module
- BigDFT.LogUtils module
- BigDFT.Logfiles module
- BigDFT.PDoS module
- BigDFT.PointParticles module
- BigDFT.PostProcessing module
- BigDFT.Spillage module
- BigDFT.Stats module
- BigDFT.Systems module
- BigDFT.TB module
- BigDFT.UnitCells module
- BigDFT.Visualization module
- BigDFT.check_examples module
- BigDFT.wahba module
- Module contents
- Subpackages
- conftest module
- BigDFT package